
Lee_Family-57My name is Stephanie Raine Lee and I love food. All kinds of food, with the exception of chewing gum, which arguably is not food.

I’m a newly minted acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner living in New York City. This blog is a place to experiment and play with my knowledge of Chinese herbs. That said, I believe in the simple principle that there is no better medicine than a delicious, healthy meal. Eat in a happy, healthy way, and you lessen problems down the road.

Chinese herbs are admittedly strange. Some might argue that like gum, it’s not really food. When I was growing up, my mother kept a collection of pungent twigs, tree bark, seeds and berries in the kitchen cabinets. I’ll be the first to say that these herbal decoctions weren’t very tasty, but she insisted they were healthy for me.

On this blog, you can expect recipes that focus on natural, whole foods first. Chinese herbs will get a spotlight, but the ultimate goal is to make delicious food, not medicine. The herbs that I feature, while being a part of the herbal materia medica, are also classically considered food and have found their ways into many a kitchen over millennia.

It’s important to note that while these recipes do focus on health benefits, they are not intended to be a diet plan. Always talk to your doctor first for medical or dietary advice.

I hope you enjoy the recipes and learn something new along the way. Thanks so much for stopping by.

One thought on “About

  1. I just found your blog and I am so excited! Thank you keep going I love the medicinal input. I often bring home strange things from the Asian market and don’t know what they are. I found you by googling what is this parsnip like gelatinous root I just brought home! Lol


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